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.5 TBR Magnetic Holder
Tooling Ball Reflector - Magnetic Holder

Designed to hold .5000″ Spherically Mounted Retro-Reflector or other spherical type target or accessory during use.

  • Heavy Duty best for holding .5 SMR when profiling surfaces.
  • Light Duty best for placing or removing .5 SMR from nest.


.5 TBR Magnetic Holder Features:

  • Allows free rotation of the TBR from horizontal to vertical.
  • Assembles and disassembles easily.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 lbs
Dimensions 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 in

.5 TBR Magnetic Holder Features:

  • Allows free rotation of the TBR from horizontal to vertical.
  • Assembles and disassembles easily.
  • Part Number
  • Hubbs Part Builder


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